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China Coal Group Holds The CPC Founding 103rd Anniversary Celebration Meeting

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In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and vigorously carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party, on June 29, the Party Committee of China Coal Group grandly held a celebration meeting for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the Group's conference center. The chairman of China Coal Group, Mr. Qu Qing, the general manager of the group, Mr. Han Yong, the general manager of information technology of China Coal Group, Mr. Li Zhenbo, the general manager of China Transportation Group, Mr. Shao Hua, the executive vice general manager of the group and the general manager of Machinery Manufacturing Corporation, Mr. Yu Cui, the executive vice general manager of the group and the general manager of e-commerce, Mr. Guan Chenghui, secretary of the party committee of the group, Mr. Hou Jiawei, the vice general manager of the group, Mr. Lu Shuli, deputy secretary of the party committee of the group, as well as all the members of the party, cadres and workers of the party, totaling more than 600 people attended the General Assembly.




The conference was opened in the solemn "National Anthem", the participants stood solemnly and sang the national anthem. Han Yong, general manager of China Coal Group, made a speech, on behalf of the Group's leadership team to the Group's development of hard work, selfless dedication and contribution to the majority of party members to express my heartfelt thanks! To the group fought in the work of the majority of party members to pay high tribute and holiday greetings. He said, China Coal Group in the party and the strong leadership of the government has gone through three decades of progress, has developed into a large-scale diversified group with international competitiveness, China Coal Group thanks the party's policy and the government's care, in retrospect gratitude at the same time, China Coal Group will keep in mind that do not forget the original intention to follow the party to high-quality party building work to promote high-quality development of enterprises.


Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Informatization of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Shipping Group, made a speech. He said he hoped that the majority of party members adhere to their respective positions, show the party style, contribute to the party power, strive to be the pioneer of the times, work together with China Coal, grow together with China Coal, and contribute to the group's high-quality development with more enthusiasm, more spirited, more pragmatic style.


On behalf of the Group Party Committee, Mr. Guan Chenghui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, extended his holiday greetings and high respect to the majority of Communist Party members across the Group. He pointed out that over the past 103 years, the Communist Party of China has led the people of all nationalities to make great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. As a Party member, we have to bear in mind the history of the Party, pass on the red gene, and follow the Party unswervingly. He emphasized that in the new historical period, we should be more firm in our ideals and beliefs, not forgetting the original mission, giving full play to the political core role of the party organization, and promoting the high-quality development of enterprises. He requested that all party members should strictly demand themselves, play the role of vanguard and exemplary party members, bravely bear the heavy responsibility, be loyal to China Coal, base on their positions, take the development of the Group as their own responsibility, unite their hearts and minds, drum up their energy again, and show the party members' style in the Group's high-quality development.



Representatives of outstanding party cadres, outstanding party members and party activists spoke one after another, and all of them unanimously expressed that they would continue to improve their own political quality and business ability in the future work, and play the role of party members' exemplary and leading role, and make a greater force for the group's development tributes.


In the face of the bright red party flag, all party members solemnly swear to recite the oath of joining the party, a powerful oath, a strong shock to every party member present, word by word, sacred and heroic, the party members revisited the solemn promise of the oath of joining the party, and even more determined to listen to the party, follow the party's ideals and beliefs.

With the theme of "Concentration and Gathering of Strengths, Concentration and Struggle for a New Story", the event eulogized the glorious course of the Communist Party of China over the past 103 years. A song "Dedicate Everything To the Party" opened the curtain of the cultural performance, the song is impassioned, singing out the strong love of the party; the song "Velvet Flowers" soft melody slowly sounded, every audience heart is flooded with warmth, it is these ordinary and great emotions, constitute the background color of our life, give us endless power; "Singing of the Motherland" with its majestic momentum and affectionate expression, so that we feel the pride and honor of being a Chinese. Singing the Motherland", with its majestic momentum and deep expression, makes everyone feel the pride and honor of being a Chinese; "Green Flowers in the Army" reminds people of the people's sons and daughters who silently guard us, whose selfless dedication and steadfastness to their posts have brought us a peaceful and tranquil living environment; "Speaking of China Coal", a fast board, speaks of the new atmosphere, achievements and appearance of the prosperity and development of China Coal Group under the leadership of the Party. Songs, quick-plates, poem recitation with music, opera and other wonderful cultural performances were performed throughout the scene, which won the applause of the audience and brought an audio-visual feast with profound historical significance and cultural connotation to the cadres and workers. Everyone used loud and beautiful songs to express the enthusiasm of being loyal to the Party, the motherland and the people, and showed the energetic and enterprising spirit of all the people of China Coal! Finally, the conference came to an end in the chorus of "There is No New China Without the Communist Party".



This activity is not only a deep review of the Party's 100-year glorious history, but also a spiritual incentive for all the staff of China Coal Group to forge ahead and create new achievements. The Group will take this opportunity to continue to study and implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to the Party building to lead the development of enterprises, and create a new situation of the Group's high-quality development.

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Shandong China Coal Mining Support Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in the 1990s with more than 1100 employees. It now has 53 professional companies, 3 Hong Kong companies, 1 British Cayman company and 1 American company. It is a large diversified industrial group integrating intelligent equipment manufacturing, e-commerce, software research and development and intelligent logistics, which is cultivated and supported by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the development and Reform Commission, Shandong Province and Jining City.
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